We Are Coming
Darius Johnston was raised in the home of a bi-vocational pastor who planted churches and took on the task of revitalizing broken churches. He felt an early call to ministry and began as a youth pastor at the age of 21 while still in Bible School. He spent five years working in a church that grew from 400 to 1,200 during those five years. After a couple of years as a traveling speaker he came to Fort Worth where he spent the next 38 years building the congregation of Movement City Church of the Assemblies of God. He led the congregation in a major relocation and building project in addition to planting seven other churches. He has several on a variety of boards including being a district Regional Executive Presbyter. He has had the opportunity to minister internationally in over 17 countries of the world. His passion is to empower church leaders to discover their destiny, talents, gifts, and abilities. He has a gift of encouragement. He is a inspiring speaker. He is deeply in love with his wife, Cindy, and their two sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. When he’s not speaking or coaching is enjoys golf, reading, and working out.
Cindy Johnston was raised in a pastor’s home and has known ministry all her life. She has traveled in evangelism and served in practically every area of church ministry in helping to grow Movement City Church. She has a unique gift of being very authentic in sharing the ups and downs of ministry. She is very intuitive and able to connect easily with the struggles of pastor’s wives. Cindy is passionate about helping wives feel heard and validated in their ministry and life.