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August 17, 2024




Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior, you work in mysterious ways.

Isaiah 45:15 NLT



I want to be able to understand what God is doing in my life and why He is doing it. I even want to know the timing of when God is going to do something. But the longer I live the more I realize I don’t understand. 


One of the great revelations of life is that I am not God, and I never will be God. His ways are always higher than my ways and His thoughts higher than my thoughts. 


If I understood everything about God’s timing, methods, and processes I would be God, and that would make for a very small God. 


It is ok not to understand the fullness of God. It is ok to admit I don’t know what God is going to do and when He is going to do it. In fact, I now get concerned when I hear someone talk as if they have God all figured out. 


The most ignorant person is the one who doesn’t know that they don’t know everything. 


I can have faith in the love of God. I can believe in God’s heart even when I don’t see His hand. I can trust in God to work all things together for good—even when it appears He is absent and missing a great opportunity to show up and show off with a miracle or two.


Learning to be at peace in not knowing is a real mark of spiritual maturity. Sometimes I think I am there and then something new happens and I want to get it all figured out and let God know what He needs to do.


He is God, I am not! I need to learn to be okay with not being God.



Holy Spirit help me today to learn to trust even when I don’t understand. Help me to know that You are working even when I don’t see or feel You. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”




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Aug 17, 2024

True trust is a trust without fully understanding what is going on.

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