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August 3, 2024




“So although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was for the next two days.

John 11:5-6 NLT



God’s delay does not mean God’s denial! Often, I have discovered that God’s timing and my timing are not the same. I think God should already be doing something, but He seems to think it is best to wait.


In John 11 we read the great story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We know the story has a good ending but for Mary and Martha it didn’t seem like it was going to end good. They sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. Instead of hurrying over to minister healing Jesus waits for two days. By the time Jesus arrives Lazarus is dead and buried. 


When Jesus shows up both Mary and Martha say to Him, “If only you had been here, you could have saved him.” (John 11:21, 32) They thought Jesus was too late to do anything. 


Jesus reminds them to have faith and they will be able to see the glory of God. He was asking them to have faith for a miracle after the funeral.


Then Jesus asks them to take Him to the place of burial. At the grave Jesus asked them to roll away the stone. Then Jesus prays a simple prayer and commands Lazarus to come out of the tomb. And a man who had been dead for four days walks out of the tomb. 


Then Jesus says, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” (John 11:40 NLT)


I believe these words can be spoken to us today. If we are willing to believe—even when circumstances look impossible, we will see the glory of God in and through our lives. God wants to work for us today if we will believe. 


Keep believing even after the funeral. It’s not over till God says it is over. 



Holy Spirit help me to believe even after the funeral. Help me to believe God is going to work all things together for my good regardless of the timing or the method. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”


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Aug 03, 2024

God is working good for me.

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