When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.
Luke 2:15-17 NLT
What is our natural reaction to good news? We want to tell everyone. When my wife finds a sale on the items she likes she wants to let all her friends know. When my grandchild wins a soccer match or spelling bee, I want to let everyone know. When the Cowboys win a great game, I want to talk about it to my friends. When TCU gets into the College Playoffs, I want to talk to my friends about that. The shepherds on that first Christmas had encountered something greater than a sale or football win, they had been visited by angels and witnessed the birth of the Messiah. They were the first evangelists of the New Testament. It is interesting that God would select lowly shepherds to be His evangelists. They didn’t have elite social standing. They had no economic or educational background to make them noteworthy. They were simple guys who had encountered the supernatural. They were changed by what they had experienced. Too often we think we must be someone special or have a special event in our lives to be able to talk to others about Jesus. The truth is if we have encountered the grace of God in our personal lives, we are a great candidate to tell others. We don’t have to understand all the Hebrew or Greek or have all the verses in the Bible memorized. We just need to have a first-hand encounter with the grace of God. We have exciting news. Let’s share it this Christmas.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to help me to share Your great news with my world. Help me to let others know of Your grace and mercy that is available this Christmas season.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Lord help me show others how you have used hardship in my life to create beautiful things
Thank you, Lord for taking a broken soul like me, and making it beautiful! May I always shout praises of your name
Holy Spirit, please help me see those opportunities You give me to share Your Good News with others.