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December 13, 2024




When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.

Matthew 1:24 NLT



We often think about the gifts that we receive on Christmas. The gift of hope and peace that Jesus brings into the world. But what about the gift that we could give?


I would propose that at the top of our list of gifts we can give to God this Christmas would be the gift of obedience. Joseph was a great example of this gift. 


His plans were disrupted by a pregnancy that Mary claimed to be from God. He was ready to end the relationship and move on down the road of life. Then an angel comes and tells him the child is from God, Mary is not making up a story. 


Then comes our passage today, “When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.” Joseph obeyed what God said to do—even though it would mean accusations, judging voices, rumors, and basically being socially shunned. 


The Word of God has a lot to say about obedience. In John 14 Jesus said, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.” (John 14:23 NLT)


We choose to give God the gift of obedience when we do what He says. Instead of debating, rationalizing, or justifying our actions we simply do what the Word of God says we are supposed to do.


The result of obedience is blessing. We get to have God’s presence with us. When God is present with us things begin to happen that can’t be explained as human effort. 


I think of the Old Testament passage where the Ark of the Covenant is placed in the house of a non-Jew named Obed-Edom the Gittite (2 Samuel 6). For three months the Ark, which was the representative presence of God, remained in Obed-Edom’s house. The Bible says his house was blessed abundantly because of God’s presence being there.


When we choose to obey God’s Word we are opening the door for God’s presence into our lives. This brings God’s provision and power. 


Let’s give the gift of obedience this Christmas season.



Holy Spirit please teach me how to obey Your Word fully. Show me areas of compromise and neglect. I want to give the gift of obedience this Christmas season and all year long. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



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Dec 13, 2024

Following Jesus is the best thing I’ve ever done !

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