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December 20, 2024




When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:10-11 NLT



Worship is a major part of the Christmas story. When the angels visited the shepherds, they concluded their visit with singing of worship to Father God. After the shepherds visited the baby Jesus, they returned to their flocks praising God for what they had experienced. 


When the wise men from the east finally found the location of Jesus they came with their gifts and worshiped Him. Imagine the sight of several Magi, grown men, bowing down to a toddler. 


In all our celebrations and parties let’s remember to pause and worship our Lord Jesus. Let’s be people who practice praise daily. 


I love corporate worship. Singing with other believers lifts my spirits and inspires me. But there is something equally, if not more, inspiring when I choose to worship God by myself. When I declare worship to God by recognizing Who He is and what He has done. 


There are a lot of ways to worship God. We can sing, clap our hands, move our feet, meditate on Who He is, and even worship by bringing something tangible like a financial gift.


The Magi not only bowed down in physical worship, but they brought tangible gifts to give as an expression of worship. Those gifts financed the trip Mary and Joseph would make to Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. 


When we give to the needy during the Christmas season, we are worshiping God. Our tangible gifts express worship. Those gifts can be money, and they can also be service. Giving our time and talent to help someone else. 



Holy Spirit please show me how I can be more active in worship. Help me to do more than sing a song. Help me use my time, talent, and treasure to worship. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Dec 20, 2024

This year I was very adamant about paying my tithes . Which i did a really good job. Moving forward I do want to find more ways to praise God. I love Praise and worship as well.

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