Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.
Philippians 2:14-16 NLT
I am currently reading “Christians in the Age of Outrage” by Ed Stetzer. As I read the passage for today’s devotion, I was reminded of many of the thoughts in Dr. Stetzer’s book. He does a great job of outlining how much outrage there is in our present American culture. And much of that outrage is coming from people professing to be Christians.
Hiding behind a computer screen many “Christians” love to attack everybody and everything they disagree with. Instead of open dialogue to discuss the issues and reach common ground people seem to prefer to attack the other side.
Paul is telling us it is time to “do everything without complaining and arguing.” I worked for a pastor once who seemed to love to argue. At times it seemed it didn’t matter what side of an issue you were on he was going to be on the other side just so he could have an argument.
I was told years ago we will never argue anyone into faith in Christ. Yet it seems that some on social media think their hateful verbal attacks are going to change the views of others.
Paul challenges us to “live clean innocent lives” so that we shine “light bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.”
As I read that passage, I thought of my aunt who just passed away at 102. Aunt Bethel was an amazing woman of God who lived her life without fanfare or recognition. But I’ve never heard anyone say a negative word about Aunt Bethel. She was a faithful wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She raised her children and grandchildren in the fear of God. She served in her local church until her health would no longer allow her to serve. I cannot remember Aunt Bethel saying an unkind word about anyone.
If you were to tell me something bad about Aunt Bethel, I would not believe you because her life was so clear that no one would believe what you said.
Paul uses a word picture, “hold firmly to the word of life.” The picture in the Greek is of torch in someone’s hand. The torch is used to light the way to go. As followers of Christ who refuse to complain or argue we become torchbearers for our world. Our attitude of humility and respect for all becomes a light that draws people to the Lord Jesus.
I want to live a life of no compromise. A life that is marked by compassion, service, humility, and respect for all people. A life marked by peace. A life that stands out like a torch of light in a world full of outrage and hate.
Holy Spirit please show me what I can do to be a torchbearer in a dark world. Show me where my attitude needs to change.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
I want to be a torchbearer for the kingdom of God.
Lord I’m very aware of all changes that need to be made . I will Do my best.