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February 21, 2023




O Lord, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble?

Psalms 10:1 NLT



Even great leaders, people who are close to God, have moments when they feel life is unfair and God is not responding to their prayers. David obviously felt abandoned in the opening of Psalm 10. He felt that God was allowing the wicked to prosper while he was in pain. David knew that eventually God would right the wrongs, but it seemed in the moment that God was absent. Life is full of mountain top and valley experiences. There are moments when God seems very close and personal. In these moments it seems God answers every prayer and just showers us with love. Then comes the valleys. These are the moments when we feel alone, forgotten, and nothing seems to go right. If we live long enough, we will encounter the mountains and the valleys. While the mountain tops are fun, we often grow more in the valleys. It is the tough times when we are forced to make decisions that promote our faith growth. Faith is what we need when we don’t see or feel God. We don’t see Him working and we don’t feel His presence. But by faith we believe that God is working. By faith we believe He is with us. Being in a corporate worship environment it is easy to sense the presence of God. Everyone is singing and worshiping God and He seems present. Then comes Monday morning and the reality of life sets in. That is the moment we exercise our faith and believe that God is just as present as He was in the corporate worship service. We choose to give God praise when we don’t see Him working or feel Him present. It is our faith in God that allows us to experience His presence and power in our lives. Let’s decide that we will worship in the valleys just like on the mountain.



Holy Spirit I know that You are present with me today. You are working in my life. You are teaching me and growing me. Great things are in store for my life because You are my God.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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