I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’
Zechariah 13:9 NLT
As I was reading this passage today, I was struck by the prophetic significance as well as the application for today. Bible scholars will tell us this passage is about the nation of Israel being judged for their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah and that two-thirds of the Jews would die. But one third will be brought through the fire of persecution to be made pure and useful to God. Many think this refers to the end of the Tribulation period when a great revival will break out among the Jews. I believe that there is a present-day application of this passage. I believe as followers of Christ we can expect persecution and pain as part of the purifying work of God in our lives. We don’t become pure without some fire. It is often the fire of difficulty that causes us to cry out to God. Our prayer life is enhanced in times of struggle. We often get lazy in times of prosperity and peace. But if we choose to cry out to God daily, God will speak over us and declare, “These are my people.” I believe God will release His glory and anointing through our lives to declare to the world we are His people. Our response will not be to become proud or arrogant, but instead we will declare that Jesus is Lord. We will praise God for Who He is not who we are. We will direct the praise to God. It all starts when we choose to call on the Lord. We must choose to be people who daily connect with God through prayer and His Word. There is no substitute for our daily prayer times.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to empower me to be consistent in daily spending time in God’s presence. Daily help me to call out for God to work in and through my life. Help me to always give You the praise for what is working in my life.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
There is no testimony with a test.
Put me down:
Lord , last night I came to you pleading to protect my brother who struggles with mental illness . Lord I direct all the praise and prayers to you .
Daily I want to connect with God
Every part of life comes from you. I want to rest in your presence and protection all of my days