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October 16, 2024




But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7 NLT



Let’s pause and consider the setting of this passage. The prophet Samuel has been sent by God to anoint the next king of Israel. He goes to the house God sent him and tells the father (Jesse) why he is there. Dad brings out his oldest son who looks like the perfect candidate. Samuel assumes this is God’s chosen person.


This is when God speaks to Samuel not to judge by the outward appearance because God is looking at the heart. So, the father brings out the next son, and the next, and the next, until he runs out of sons. Samuel asks if there are any more and he says there is one son out in the fields tending the sheep. They go get that son and when David walks in Samuel knows this is the one.


David’s own father didn’t invite him to the meeting with the prophet. But God had already planned for David to be the next king. 


There are a lot of lessons we can learn from this story. First, be careful how you judge other people. Someone you think is useless may be the person God plans to use. Everyone has value in God’s eyes because He created them with a purpose and plan. There are no accidental people with God.


Second, don’t accept the judgement of others about your worth. In this age of selfies don’t play the game of trying to get the most likes. Don’t allow other people to put a value on your life based on your appearance. 


Third, don’t place a value on yourself based on your appearance. Some people focus so much on their outward appearance while failing to develop their character, intellect, and spirit. 


Finally, realize that people do look on the outward appearance. This may sound like I’m contradicting the earlier thoughts, but it is important how we look. If we are to be a light for Christ in this world, we should dress in a way not to distract from that message. 


I believe we should always want to put our best foot forward in our appearance. We should strive to look like we care about our appearance. Comb our hair, brush our teeth, take a shower, iron our clothes. We don’t have to spend a ton of money on our clothes, but we can take care of the clothes we have and be the best we can be.



Holy Spirit help me to focus on being the best person You created me to be. Help me not to judge others simply by their appearance. Help me to also give a good representation of You to this world.

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