Other seed fell among thorns that grew up with it and choked out the tender plants.
Luke 8:7 NLT
We have looked at the seed that feel on pathway and the rocky soil, what can we learn about the seed of God’s Word that falls among thorns?
The third group of people are those who hear God’s Word, they allow the Word to be planted in their lives, but they have weeds that grow up and choke out the Word. The result is that no lasting fruit is grown in their lives.
So many people hear God speak, but as they go on their way, life's worries, riches, and pleasures choke them, so they never mature. If you are always on the go and you can't hear God, you are facing the barrier of busyness.
Often, we confuse busyness with productivity, and they aren't the same thing. If you keep going, going, going but you aren't spiritually growing, growing, growing, you are busy, not productive.
It does not take effort to grow weeds. The presence of weeds in our yard is a sign of neglect. We have not worked to remove the weeds. Weeds, if left alone, will eventually consume anything that is good and destroy everything.
We must be intentional about removing activities from our lives that will distract us from being able to hear the voice of God. In the Old Testament there was a prophet named Elijah who wanted to hear from God. When God did speak to Elijah it was not in a loud thundering voice but in a still small voice. Elijah had to remove every distraction to hear the voice of God (1 Kings 18:12).
Truth will not grow in our lives and produce transformation if we aren’t intentional about carving out time to stop the noise and listen to the voice of God. If you are constantly scrolling through social media, you can’t hear the voice of God. If you are spending all your mental energy to make another buck or get that new promotion you will not have the mental energy to hear from God.
I fight this battle on a regular basis. I am a driven person and there is always a list of things that need to be done. But I must set aside my list and carve out time to read God’s Word and have time for prayer and meditation. Each day I must be intentional to remove the distraction so I can hear that still small voice speaking to me.
Holy Spirit I want to be able to hear Your voice. I ask for Your help in removing the distractions from my life. Help me to seek after the right things.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”