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September 23, 2022




For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.

Philippians 1:21 NLT



Paul is waiting for trial in a Roman prison. From all appearances, his life is almost over. He realizes that even in prison God has given him the opportunity to share the gospel, and other believers are being bold in sharing the Gospel as well. God has worked good out of the bad. There is no sense of remorse, self-pity, or regret. Paul has an interesting view of life, “living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.” In another translation is says, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” How can you defeat someone who has decided whether I live or die, I win? What an attitude. Paul had come to realize as followers of Christ we always win. When our hope, identity, and self-worth are tied to Jesus, we win whether we live or die. Human nature fights hard to avoid death, and rightly so. But as followers of Christ, we must see that this world is not our home. This world is temporary, and we are eternal. We were not built to limit our lives to this earth. We were built to be an eternal being in a temporary house. This temporal house gets old, decays, and eventually gives up. But the real us, our spirit and soul, will live on for eternity. There is a lot of freedom in knowing we are eternal beings. Whatever happens to us on earth is temporary. We are eternal. The struggles any of us have today are temporary. We are eternal. We will outlive every pain, disappointment, hurt, addiction, loss, and abuse. We are eternal. In this life we choose to live for Christ. We choose to live to worship Him and exalt Him. We don’t have to win every earthly battle. We are in this for the long haul. We are believing that when we live with eternity in mind, we allow God to work in the temporal point of time.



Holy Spirit remind me today that I am eternal, and I get to spend eternity with You. I win! Whether I live or die, I WIN! I am serving You in this space and time looking forward to being with You eternally.

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Sep 23, 2022

This world is not my home

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Sep 23, 2022

Lord, help me to remember where my home truly is in YOU. Keep me deeply rooted in you that I may win in all I do. For this will bring glory to your name, and peace to my heart.


Sep 23, 2022

I win!

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