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September 3, 2022



You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Isaiah 26:3 NLT



What would it take for us to have perfect peace?

Perhaps the answer would be to have all our bills paid and a hundred thousand dollars in the bank. Or perhaps our answer would be to be healthy, trim, and fit. Or maybe our answer would be good relationships, marriage, or family.

God’s Word teaches us what some really smart people have discovered in recent years: perfect peace comes when our thoughts are fixed. Because of bad thoughts we have a lot of bad stuff that comes into our lives. Bad thoughts bring broken relationships, broken health, and often messed up finances.

Johns Hopkins Medical School has found that 70% of disease is psychosomatic. What does this mean? The word psyche means “the mind,” and soma is “the body.” This is not to say that 70% of diseases are not real, but rather that the origin of these diseases is not physically caused. The origin first occurred in the mind.

As a person begins to harbor and foster negative thoughts in the mind, they manifest into the body. These thoughts have the ability to make us well or to poison the body. Negative thoughts weaken the immune system and poison the bloodstream.

Several years ago, Stanford University found over 2000 different chemical secretions were released into the body, from the brain into the bloodstream, all based on a person’s thoughts – good or bad.

When we fix our thoughts on Jesus then we think on good things. We are thinking on the positive not the negative. The possibility not the problem.

This has to be intentional because it will not happen accidentally. For most people the human mind tends to migrate to the negative. Our sinful nature has corrupted the hard drive of our thoughts and implanted a tendency to the negative. God didn’t create us this way—sin corrupted God’s creation.

We must “fix our thoughts.” This takes intention on our part to spend time daily allowing our minds to be renewed by God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and God’s family.



Holy Spirit help me today to be intentional about fixing my thoughts. Help me choose to live in peace and victory by fixing my thoughts.

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