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August 22, 2024




This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

Ephesians 4:13 NLT



Being a follower of Jesus is more than praying a prayer, filling out a card, or joining a local church. Being a follower of Jesus is a life-long quest to becoming like Jesus. 


This journey involves believing (through worship), belonging (through fellowship), and becoming (through discipleship). 


Believing is a mental agreement that Jesus is Lord. We agree that Jesus is Who He claimed to be—the Son of God and Savior of the world. With our mouth we confess Jesus as Lord.


Because we choose to believe this truth, we then join with other believers in a local setting to do life together. We commit to a local community of believers so that we can be strengthened, challenged, and encouraged.


This belonging leads us to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus. Because of what we have mentally accepted as truth we enter a journey that leads us to become more and more like Jesus. 


I believe on this side of eternity we will never be perfect. But we should be more like Jesus today than we were last year. There should be consistent progress in our spiritual maturity.


Take a moment and look at your life. Are the fruit of the Spirit more evident in your life today than they were six months ago? Are you more patient? More loving? Full of joy? More self-controlled?


How are you doing in serving others? Are you looking for ways to serve others?


How close are you to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus?



Holy Spirit, I ask for Your help in being more like Jesus. Help me to be honest with myself. Help me to see myself the way You see me. Help me to change what needs to change so that I can grow more like Jesus. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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1 comentário

22 de ago. de 2024

I want to be more Christ like .

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