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August 9, 2024




Even in the womb, Jacob struggled with his brother; when he became a man, he even fought with God.

Hosea 12:3 NLT



Jacob was a person who seemed to always be fighting something—or someone. Even in birth he wanted to come out first and fought with his twin brother. 


In his adult years there was a time when Jacob fought with God (Genesis 32:24-25). Scholars differ on their interpretation of this passage from Genesis, but Hosea tells us Jacob “fought with God.”


I propose that Jacob struggled wanting to do things his own way. He had the same struggle all fallen humanity has—we want to be our own boss. This all started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. They bought the lie that by eating of the forbidden tree they would be like God. They could know everything and be their own boss.


When Jacob fought with God he was injured in his hip. From that day forward Jacob walked with a limp. He had been humbled before God and was changed.


I believe when we humble ourselves before God in confession and repentance we are changed. When we declare that He is Lord and yield in obedience to Jesus we are changed. 


We will all struggle with the issue of surrender to the will of God. We will have that internal conflict on whether to trust and obey what God says is the best to do or to do what we think is the best.


Our culture wants to say that everyone has a right to make up their own mind. Everyone should be able to choose how they want to live and act. Currently some are going so far as to say everyone should be able to choose whether they are male or female—or maybe an animal. 


If we want to win in life, we must stop trying to be the boss. We must surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and choose to obey His Word. We will never find fulfillment and freedom in being our own boss. It doesn’t work because our humanity is too messed up with sin. The sin virus has infected our ability to make the right choices.



Holy Spirit help me to stop arguing, justifying, rationalizing, and struggling. Help me to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus in every area of my life. Help me to yield to You as my Lord and Savior. Help me to live in total obedience. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Aug 09, 2024

Learning daily what it means to make Jesus boss and not try to solve everything by myself.

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