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December 23, 2024




So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.

John 1:14 NLT



In the gospel of John, we don’t read about angels, shepherds, or even a baby in a manger. The story of Mary and Joseph are absent in John’s writings. Instead, he approaches the birth of Jesus from a higher theological view.


John opens his gospel with the words, “In the beginning.” These are the same words that open the Bible in the book of Genesis. John is connecting the birth of Jesus to the beginning of creation. 


In Genesis, chapter one, we read that God spoke and everything that is came into being. The word of God was the creative force used to bring into existence everything. He was Elohim—the great Creator God.


John uses that picture and tells us, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Right off the bat John is letting us know the Jesus was part of the Godhead. There was God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 


When God chose to come to earth it was the Son of God Who came wrapped in human flesh. He was the living Word of God. 


Jesus came to make “his home among us.” I like one translation that says, “He tabernacled among us.” God, in the person of Jesus, was living with humanity. He was not some distant force of great mystery, He was wrapped in flesh and living among us.


Jesus came wrapped in human flesh to show us God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. Our Heavenly Father wanted us to know how much we were loved. He wanted us to know He was faithful even when we are not.


Just as Jesus came as a baby wrapped in human flesh, He promised that after He left this earth, He and the Father would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Today as we celebrate the birth of Jesus on earth, we should remember that the Holy Spirit is available to live in us. 


Right now, we can have God wrapped in human flesh when we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives. We can experience the glory of God daily. We can receive His wisdom, direction, protection, and provision every day.


The Word of God wants to dwell in us through the Holy Spirit. Let’s be sure to open our hearts to His presence.



Holy Spirit, I invite You to work in and through me. Teach me. Guide me. Help me to keep a clean house for You to dwell in. 

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Dec 23, 2024

Thank you Lord for Jesus .

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