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December 26, 2024




Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

Hebrews 10:36 NLT



I keep a track of any time I use a passage of scripture for my daily devotions. It was 2018 when I used this passage for my daily devotions. I was on a journey through the book of Hebrews and got to this passage. The timing was pretty good because at that time I was recovering from major back surgery. I wrote that devotion at 2:00am when I was unable to sleep due to the pain in my body.


Those months of physical therapy, ice packs, pain pills, and lack of sleep seem like distant memories. At the time they seemed to last forever, but they were temporary discomforts.


I think back on other times in my life when I encountered disappointments, frustrations, and confusion over why God would allow some of the things I went through. Sometimes God seemed distant and interested in my “suffering.” 


I admit I live in a culture of instant gratification. We don’t like to wait. I have struggled with impatience a large part of my life. 


A couple of things I have learned is that God’s timing and my timing rarely match. I want answers yesterday and God may wait a month or year or more to give the answers I prayed for so earnestly.


Secondly, I have learned that delay is not the same as denial. God’s delay in doing what I think He should do is not God’s denial. 


I must trust God’s timing. I must believe that God loves me and wants the best for me. Therefore, there will be times when He doesn’t do what I think is best because His way is best. 


Patience is a real mark of maturity. It is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit working in my life. The more I lean into the Holy Spirit the more I will grow in my patience. 


Today is a great day to allow the Holy Spirit to grow patience in your life.



Holy Spirit, I invite You to work in my life however and whenever You deem to be best. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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