But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!
John 15:7 NLT
Jesus is offering His followers a blank check. Here is my promise to ask and receive anything.
But there is a condition—I must remain in Him and His words. That means I am so connected with Him that my will is surrendered to His will. I am not asking selfish, materialistic, and self-promoting prayers. I am asking prayers that advance God’s will on earth not my will. These are the prayers that come out of remaining in Him and having His word remain in me.
When I spend time with God through His Word, I begin to think like God thinks. I begin to look at things from God’s perspective and not mine. When this begins to happen I start to pray for things that line up with God’s will and desires.
Several years ago I was challenged by the question, “If God answered all your prayers today how would the world be different tomorrow?”
I had to admit that much of my prayers were about my comfort rather than about advancing God’s kingdom around the world. This helped me to pray bigger prayers. Prayers that were asking for God to transform churches, cities, states, and nations.
When we get connected to God personally it will change the way we pray. I believe we will pray bigger prayers and see bigger answers.
Holy Spirit help me to see my world through Your eyes. Help me to align my prayers with Your will, not my selfishness. Help me be connected to You on a personal level.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Lord , I really just want to do better. Please help me.
I want to be praying BIG prayers.