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January 9, 2023




But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children.

Galatians 4:4-5 NLT



When Jesus was on the earth His followers asked Him to teach them to do only one thing. They didn’t ask to be taught how to do miracles, how to walk on water, or how to multiply five loaves to feed five thousand. They asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. I believe it was because they recognized the secret to everything Jesus did and taught was in His prayer life. The Son of God took the time regularly to pray. As a response to their request Jesus gave His followers—and us—what we commonly refer to as the Lord’s Prayer. The prayer opens with the most important words, “Our Father in heaven.” The power of the prayer is based on the relationship we have with Almighty God. Prayer is about relationship. I have always had a personal rule in my time as a leader, whenever a member of my family calls, I am always available. It doesn’t matter who I am meeting with, if my wife or children want to talk to me, I am available. Their relationship to me is more important than anyone else. Almighty God has chosen to make us His children. God sent Jesus to this earth to redeem us from the control and consequences of sin so we could be children of God. We are not coming to have a conversation with a stranger—He is our Father God. For some that might be a hard concept because of messed up father images in your life. I believe Satan works overtime to mess up families and fathers just to disrupt the image God wanted us to have of His care and love for us. But regardless of what you experienced with an earthly father; you have a Heavenly Father who loves you; is always available to you and will never abandon you.



Father God, thank you for being my Heavenly Father. Thank you for always being available. Thank you for always caring for me.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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2 Kommentare

09. Jan. 2023

I’m so glad I have a Heavenly Father Who loves me unconditionally.

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09. Jan. 2023

Thank you Lord for your never ending love and care for me

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