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July 20, 2024




I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32:27 NLT



Our God is more than able to handle any problem that we are facing!


I remember as a child thinking my dad was bigger, stronger, and smarter than anyone. Dad was my provider, protector, and source of wisdom. As I got older, I realized my earthly father had limitations. He had limited financial resources. He had limited strength. He had limited knowledge. He had unlimited love for me, but he was limited in what he could do for me.


My Heavenly Father has unlimited love for me. He has unlimited resources. He has unlimited wisdom and power. There is nothing my Heavenly Father cannot do.


We need to remind ourselves that God is not a limited God. Paul tells us in Ephesians 3:20 that He can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. And God does this by His power that is at work in us. 


Daily I ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to release His power through my life. I am imperfect and I make mistakes. My attitude is not always right. But God’s grace can correct me and still work through me. 


There is nothing too hard for my God to do! There is no problem He can’t solve. There is no relationship He can’t heal. There is no sickness He can’t cure. There is no need He can’t supply.


What problem are you facing? How about taking that to your Heavenly Father and ask what you need to do to release His power through your life. 



Holy Spirit, I ask You to show me how to release Your power through my life. Show me what You are wanting to do in my situation. Help me to be sure my life is in alignment with You for Your power to work in and through me. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Holy Spirit , I want to be in alignment with you and God. God you’ve been so good to me and there are some areas I truly need to correct .

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