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June 7, 2024




Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”

James 2:18 NLT



Real faith is not just a belief it is a behavior!


James makes a great argument that faith is only real when it shows up in the way we behave. If our actions and words are not transformed by our faith, then we don’t have real faith.


In the United States there is often a big disconnect between what people say they believe and how they live. We can say we believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible and yet choose to live our lives the way we want to live. We mistreat people and live selfish lives while trying to declare we are Christians. 


When we make a faith decision to invite Jesus to be the Lord of our life everything about our life must change. Our priorities are no longer just to please ourselves. 


If Jesus is the Lord of my life, I have a new way of looking at everyone else. Every person has value because they are a unique creation of Almighty God. 


If Jesus is the Lord of my life I am no longer living just for the moment. I suddenly realize life is eternal and I choose to live with an eternal perspective. I am interested in more than a momentary thrill.


When people look at my life there should be something about me that looks different. I shouldn’t have to wear a t-shirt declaring my faith in Jesus. My words and actions should demonstrate something is different about me.


I believe this will also show up in the way I handle financial resources. I will no longer view money the way I used to view money. Money becomes a tool to accomplish God’s work through my life. That doesn’t mean I have to live in poverty. God is okay with me enjoying some of the resources He releases into my life. But as a follower of Jesus, I must make the decision to invest a portion of everything He gives me to advance His kingdom on earth. 


Real faith impacts my words, actions, and spending. 



Holy Spirit help me to be a person whose behavior and belief match. Help me to commit to You every part of my life. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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07 jun 2024

I want to be a reflection of your word.

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