Teach me your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart. Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.
Psalms 119:33-37 NLT
There is a lot to think about in this passage. First, David is asking God to teach him. This is a prayer we should all have before God. A desire to know the laws of God. God’s laws are the way He has established creation to work at it’s optimum.
Recently one of my sons was putting together a bed frame. It was a bit unusual frame and instead of having written directions you had to watch a video. Brock would watch a few seconds, stop the video, and then do what the person on the video did. Once he got that done, he would watch a few more seconds, turn it off, do what he saw, and then repeat.
I wish we could be like that with the Holy Spirit. Instead, we often want to know the end before we are willing to start the process of obedience. David declared, “I will obey your instructions” before I am told fully what to do. We must be willing to obey before God will give us instructions on the next step.
A lot of people want to get direction from God so they can decide whether they want to do it. They complain that God is not speaking to them. The issue is they haven’t done what God has written in His Word so why should God give them further instructions. They haven’t proven they are willing to obey. They want to decide after the hear the instruction. We must pre-decide that our answer is “yes” before we know the instruction.
Finally, David wanted to know what to do so he could do it. David declared, “I will put them in to practice with all my heart.” He was not just interested in knowing, he was ready to do.
We need hearts that are not only interested in knowing God’s Word but hearts that want to act. We want to do something. We are willing to practice what we are told.
God blesses obedient action—not intellectual knowledge. We have many in the church who know a lot more than they are doing.
Holy Spirit teach me the ways of God. Today I declare that I will follow wherever You lead me. I will do whatever You tell me to do. I will obey. I will honor You with my actions.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”