Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.
1 Timothy 4:8 NLT
If we want to be the best, we can be then we must pay attention to our physical bodies. We must decide to exercise. If we don’t take care of our physical bodies, yes, we will suffer physically, but we will suffer mentally and spiritually. Every part of our being is interconnected.
When it comes to exercise most people are convinced just not committed. They are convinced that physical exercise is important. They realize that God created our bodies to be active not to spend our days sitting behind a desk or laying on a couch. People are convinced that our bodies need exercise, but they are not committed to do anything with that knowledge.
The most common excuse is “I don’t have time.” I remember a wise man once saying, “If you don’t have time for exercise, you will be forced to have time for sickness.”
If we don’t exercise eventually our bodies will break down and we will be forced to stop for sickness. Being too busy to exercise is destroying our bodies and the consequence will be a physical breakdown.
The key is training not straining. If you want to get in shape fast, exercise longer, not harder. Some people, me included, tend to try to get in shape in one week. Recently I had allowed my schedule to get out of control and I missed an entire week in the gym and only walked a couple of times. I took a day to go to the gym and went at it too hard. My body rebelled with aches and pains that made me want to do nothing. Instead of stopping I adjusted my workout to include a lot more stretching, lower weights, and more repetitions.
Six years ago, I was forced to have back surgery. I know what it is like to be forced to take time off for your body to heal. I know now that I can’t go three days without walking. I must walk, and I need to do resistance weights at least three times a week in addition to daily walking. Sometimes I allow myself to get too busy and think I don’t have time to exercise. The price I pay is a lot of discomfort and stiffness. My body lets me know it’s time to exercise.
Holy Spirit help me to discipline my physical body with exercise. Help me to not allow my physical body to become a hinderance to the work You want to do in me and through me.
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