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November 2, 2023




For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:16-17 NLT



This is probably the best-known verse in the Bible. It is the foundation of our doctrine of salvation. God loved the world—the good, bad, and ugly. Everyone. Including you and me. When we think we have nothing to be thankful for we should pause and remind ourselves of the mercy and love of our Heavenly Father. God has loved us so much that He gave His Son to die for our sins. We have the gift of eternal life through our Lord Jesus. We have been “born again.” We may have been born into a dysfunctional family with lots of issues but when we accept Jesus as our Lord we are born again into the family of God. This family is full of love and grace. Jesus did not come into the world to judge us but to save us. He wants to save us from our addictions, hurts, habits, and hangups. He wants to save us from ourselves. Sometimes we take for granted the grace God has poured out on us. We should pause and remind ourselves we have a lot to be thankful for because of God’s love for us.



Heavenly Father today I pause to say thanks for Your love for me. Thanks for sending Jesus to die in my place. Thanks for the life You have given to me.

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3 commentaires

02 nov. 2023

Lord one million thank yous could never suffice , thank You Lord ❤️


02 nov. 2023

I am thankful for the grace and mercy of God in my life.


02 nov. 2023

I give thanks for all You've done and all You do

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