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October 30, 2023




You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.

Luke 12:56 NLT



Jesus is very clear when it comes to God’s timing for the end of the world no one knows the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36; Luke 13:32). Jesus also tells us that we should be sensitive enough to what is going on around us to recognize the season so we can “interpret the present times.” When we look around us, it seems our global world is going crazy. Division and war seem to be the norm. Tension is very high. Even in our own country it seems like people are developing an obsession with the end of times—movies, television shows, and video games seem to promote this theme. Perhaps all this obsession is something intuitive within us that knows the end is getting close. If that is the case, what should our reaction be. I don’t believe that those of us who are followers of Christ should allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with fear. Instead, we should have a great faith in the fact that our Heavenly Father is in charge. He is working a divine plan. In God’s plan He always protects His children. When God brought the flood upon the earth because of man’s wickedness, God gave to Noah a plan of escape. When God brought fire destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah, He first had angels remove Lot and his family. In the same way I believe God will protect His children from the full wrath of judgment that is going to come upon the earth. It is our faith in God’s divine plan that should also motivate us to want to share His truth with the world around us. We should be a calm voice that invites everyone to accept God’s plan of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus. We should be more evangelistic than ever. Because of God’s love for humanity, we should be sharing His good news that there is hope and help in Jesus. Let’s be people of faith who share God’s love with our world.



Holy Spirit, help me to an extension of Your love to my world. Help me to live in peace and faith.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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30 de out. de 2023

I choose to live in the confidence that God is in charge.


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Help me to love others the way You love me!


30 de out. de 2023

Lord , thank you for loving us and already having a plan of eternal life for us. Lord I pray for everyone in war or refuge right now. Please help us Lord.


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God will not leave us without provision of the way to Him. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and be ready to give the answer for the hope that is within you.

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