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November 8, 2023




Come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him. For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods.

Psalm 95:1-3 NLT



Singing is a means of worship to God. It is not the only form of worship, but it is a major form that connects the human with the divine. I have long contended that worship is magnifying God. Not that we make Him bigger--that is impossible--but that our recognition of God is magnified. When we worship there should be a greater awareness of God's presence and power. Our faith should be built through our worship. While worshipping in a corporate body is biblical and important to our spiritual growth we can worship alone. We can magnify God and experience a surge of faith. I can’t feel myself into worship. Worship is a choice. When I choose to worship, I begin to sing and give thanks to God regardless of how I feel. My willful act to worship changes my feelings. I can’t feel my way to worship, but I can act my way to worship and that will change my feelings. Many mornings I don’t feel like taking time to do my devotions, have a time of prayer, or worship God. But when I choose to do these three things, I change my feelings. I am emotionally transformed because of the choices I make. Make a choice today to take a few moments alone and worship God. Don’t ask for anything. Just take time and sing a song or make a declaration about the greatness of God.



Father God, I declare that You are the Creator of the universe. I declare that You are King over all kings and all power is in Your hand. Lord Jesus, I thank You for my salvation, freedom, and cleansing. Holy Spirit, I thank You that You are living in me and guiding me today.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Nov 08, 2023

Lord my day is not started properly if I don’t reflect and praise you . I thank you for my life and the many blessings you shower upon my life . Everyday is a new day to get myself together and I’m always in awe of your grace and mercy .


Nov 08, 2023

God is working in and through me today.

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